Iggy's Sci-Fi Arena
Iggy's Sci-Fi Arena
I am a sci-fi freak in most sense's of the word. I found a quote a while back
that said, "Reality is for those who can't face Science Fiction." Well maybe
that explains a few things about me. Some of my favorite TV Shows are:
- Star Trek
- Shows
- The Original Series
- The Next Generation
- Deep Space Nine
- Voyager
- Enterprise
- Other
- Charmed
- Gene Rodenberry's Andromeda
For all the rest of the Sci-Fi Shows out there that I do not watch, a great place
to visit is The
Magrathea/SFTV Home Page. It has schedules for past, present and
future airings of the shows. It is great... Really... Give it a click!
Other good sci-fi sources:
If you know of any good sites that I missed, let me know via
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on this page may in no way reflect me. So deal with it.
© 1996-2004 by Iggy.
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