Other interest I have are:
- Nationalism
- Numismatics & Money
- Chess
- The ChessMaster
- GNU WebChess
- The Internet Chess Club
- Chess is Fun ('Learning to Play' Site)
- Chessbd (A internet Chess Viewer)
- ChessWorld: Online Chess
- Games
- Nine Dragons Software: Makers of Hong Kong Mahjong [Not the Solitaire Game!]
- Solitaire Suite 2013
- TV & Movies
- United States Internet Movie Database
- Moviefone for Movie Showings
- TV Guide Entertainment Network
- Zap2it
- The Discovery Channel
- The Disney Home Page
- The Oracle of Bacon - Bacon Bits: Linking Kevin Bacon to All other Actors and Actresses
- Star Links: Just like Bacon Bits, but you pick both Actors/Actresses
- Books
- Amazon.com
- Book Pool (Better prices on computer books)
- Volleyball
- Disc Golf
- discgolf.com: Includes lotsa links
- Professional Disc Golf Association Home Page
- Innova - Champion Golf Discs
- Web Design
- HTML, Java and CGI References
- Imaging
- Web Counters
- Software and Hardware I Like, Use and Prefer
- Iggy's Computer Recommendations Page
- Nine Dragons Software: Makers of Hong Kong Mahjong - NOT the solitaire game!
- Iomega
- Hewlett Packard
- Gateway
- Corel Paint Shop Pro
- Ultra Edit
- Microsoft (But do I actually recommend them? Hmmm...)
- Web Email Access
- Travel Information
- Vehicles
- Services/Safety
- Edmunds Car Page: Everything you wanted to know about buying a new or used vehicle
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- US State Department
- Bear Trap Guide for all Interstate Highways in the US
- GasBuddy.com for best Gas Prices in an area
- Guides
- Language
- News & Information
- USA Today
- The Baltimore Sun
- The Washington Post
- Topix.net
- The Wall Street Journal
- ZDNet: Computer Related News Source
- Maryland Gazzette.Net
- Howard County (MD) Times
- Dealnews.com
- Nerd World
- Privacy
- Zone Alarm: Firewall Protection
- Ad-aware
- How to get off a Telelphone List
- Email Address Encoder
- HTML ASCII encoding values Table
- Real Estate Values
- Recycling
- Miscellaneous Other Stuff
- The United States Post Office - Internet Edition
- The Virtual Florist
- Flowers Express
- Ready.gov
- Funtasia: Online discounts resource database
- Health
- The Fight Against Thalassemia
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- Search Engines
- HotBot
- Excite Home
- Lycos
- Yahoo
- CNET search.com
- Dogpile
- The Webcrawler
- LookSmart
- Mamma: The Mother of All Search Engines
- InfoSpace
- Ask
- Librarians Index to the Internet
- A9.com
- People Search Engines
DISCLAIMER: The ideas, thoughts, images and/or pointers on this page may in no way reflect me. So deal with it.