Scott's Book List - Sports

Iggy's Book List - Sports

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If you would like to order more than one of the listed books through, I recommend that you select the link for the first book, add it to your Shopping Cart at's site, then return to this page and repeat the process for additional items. This will cause all the books to be put on one order and thus reduce the shipping costs per book.

I own a copy of all the books listed below (unless otherwise noted) and at least one copy of each periodical. I would be happy to answer any questions about them that you might have.

Sports Books


Total Football: The Official Encyclopedia of the National Football League

Editors: Bob Carroll, Michael Gershman, David Neft
Published by Harpercollins, September 1, 1997
My Book Review (As is posted on Rating = 8 (out of 10)

Impressive collection of NFL history and information Superb reference for the NFL. It fails, however, to make any mention of the pre-existing CFL. This, in my opinion is an oversight, given the recent expansion and withdraw of the CFL in the United States. The CFL deserves at least 1 page (out of the 1600+ pages in this book) in the "Other Leagues" Section. If the World Football League, USFL, and World League are worthy of a chapter here, the CFL deserves one too. The CFL is, afterall, now a part of American football history. Other than that, the authors require a spell chcker, oops, I mean spell checker. Content is superb, but the presentation style could have been thought out a little bit more. All in all, an impressive collection of information.

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Total Football II: The Official Encyclopedia of the National Football League

Editor: Bob Carroll
Published by HarperResource; Revised and Updated edition (September 1, 1999)
I do not own this book, but it is the updated version of the book I do own. If they kept all the good stuff from book 1, this is a better bet than the original!

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The Sporting News Official NBA Guide: The Ultimate 2004-05 Season Reference

Editor: Mark Broussard and Craig Carter
Published by The Sporting News, September 2004

Great Statistics on the NBA. I own the 1998-1999 edition.

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The Sporting News Hockey Guide 1999-2000 (Hockey Guide, 1999-2000)

Editor: Mark Broussard and Craig Carter
Published by The Sporting News, August 1999

Great Statistics on the NBA. I own the 1998-1999 edition.

Order or get more information from on the 1999-2000 Edition

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